Luna Dragos


Information Text on the Protection of Personal Data

This text has been prepared and shared within the scope of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data. 

All types of your personal data are processed and stored within the limits determined by legislation with a sense of responsibility, as explained below.


(Our company reserves the right to update this information text at any time in accordance with changes that may be made in the official legislation.)

Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data: 

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • To benefit you and/or the institutions and organizations you represent from the services and projects offered by our company, to determine and implement our company’s commercial and business strategies, to carry out marketing activities, business development, and planning operations, to conduct administrative operations related to communication conducted by our company,
  • To establish relationships with business partners/customers/suppliers (authorized personnel or employees),
  • To execute our company’s human resources policies, to contact our company’s call center or use the website, to establish communication through social media groups for promotional and informational purposes.


To fulfill the purposes of processing the personal data mentioned above, your personal data may be transferred to the following parties, if necessary:

Your personal data, if necessary to fulfill the purposes of processing the personal data mentioned above, may be transferred to authorized public institutions such as lawyers, accountants, and, when the conditions are met, to institutions like the land registry office, tax office, and finance authorities, in accordance with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law.

Method of Collecting Personal Data and Legal Basis:

Your personal data represents any kind of information and documents you provide to us in written, oral, or electronic form. These data are collected in order to fulfill our legal obligations determined by laws and contracts, and to protect the legitimate interests of the parties involved, in accordance with the purposes stated in this information text. Your personal data collected on legal grounds are processed and transferred in accordance with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law, as stated in our information text.

As the person whose personal data is processed, you have the following rights under Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law:

As an individual whose personal data is being processed, if you submit your requests regarding your rights to us, Batı Birikim Real Estate inc. your request will be concluded as soon as possible and no later than thirty days. In this regard, data subjects can contact Batı Birikim Inc. for:

  • Learning whether their personal data is being processed
  • Requesting information if their personal data has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of the processing of personal data and whether they are being used in accordance with their purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom their personal data is transferred,
  • Requesting the correction of their personal data if it is incomplete or inaccurate and request that the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred be notified about the performed correction process,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the reasons that require the processing of personal data, even if it has been processed in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law and other relevant laws, and request that the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred be notified about the performed deletion or destruction process,
  • Objecting to the occurrence of a result against themselves due to the analysis of processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • Requesting the compensation of damages in case of suffering damages due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

To exercise your rights mentioned above, you can apply to our company by submitting a signed petition containing the necessary information to identify your identity, or you can send it by registered mail.

Storage and Destruction Periods of Your Personal Data:

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, your personal data processed for the purposes stated in this “Information Notice on the Processing of Personal Data” will continue to be used until the purposes requiring processing under Article 7/f.1 of the Personal Data Protection Law cease to exist and until the company is dissolved, and will be stored for the period prescribed by the legislation. They will be canceled and all records will be deleted when the legal periods expire.

Procedures and Measures for the Storage of Personal Data:

In order to ensure the secure storage of your personal data, prevent its unlawful processing or unauthorized access, and ensure the lawful destruction of data, the measures taken by Çınar Project, in accordance with the principles stated in Article 12 of the Law, are listed below:

• Access to stored personal data is restricted to personnel who require access based on their job description.

• In the event that personal data is obtained by others through unlawful means, this situation is promptly reported to the data subject and the Personal Data Protection Authority.

• Regarding the sharing of personal data, information is not disclosed or shared with third parties outside of the provisions of the law and regulations, even to immediate family members of the data subject.

• Necessary audits are conducted and enforced to ensure compliance with the provisions of the law within its legal entity. Any identified privacy and security vulnerabilities are addressed.

• Adequate security measures are taken depending on the environment where personal data is stored (such as electrical leakage, fire, water damage, theft, etc.) to prevent unauthorized entry and exit.

• Ensures the destruction of personal data in a manner that is irreversible and leaves no trace of reconstruction.

• In accordance with Article 12 of the Law, any digital medium where personal data is stored is protected using encrypted or cryptographic methods that meet the requirements of information security.

• If data needs to be transferred via email, it is done using the corporate email address or Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) account. If transfer in paper format is required, documents are sent in a “confidential documents” format.



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